Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pregnancy=not glamourous!!

I am SOOO effing sick of being puffy!!!

My feet are almost constantly swollen, as well as my legs. My toes look all short and stubby. If i lean my legs against anything they get a mark on them. Additionally, my wrists and hands are swollen. When i try to cut things with a fork or open a soda bottle, my hands get all tingly and numb from the swelling. My wedding ring is threatening to cut into my skin. My nose and lips are swollen, and i'm sure my face is bigger too. I just want to not be fat and puffy anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also sick of the acne. My skin is super oily now, and i'm breaking out like a teenager again. Its not only my face though. Its my chest and back too. I'm constantly covered in zits. I feel so gross.

And lets not mention the hormones!!! OH EHM GEE I feel like i'm 13 again. The littlest things piss me off. I'm grumpy half the time, randomly crying the other half. I'm not very rational in my thinking right now either, which pisses me off. Plus on top of the above mentioned symptoms it makes my self esteem plummet. I feel like crying when I think about my body. I don't even want my husband to see me naked anymore!

FIRE!!!! IN MY EFFING THROAT!!!!! I swear, the acid reflux will be the death of me!! I get nauseated at night, just from the acid. I'll wake up in the middle of the night with barf in my mouth. Not cuz i got sick, but because it just came up. And heartburn in general just kills me. Grrrrrrr....

I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore. I'm ready to have my son in my arms, because it would make this feel so much more worth it. Its still not real that i'll have my son in my arms in just a few weeks. I just feel like i'm gonna be pregnant and miserable forever. =(

And i know this is totally bitchy, but please don't comment (not like anyone ever does) with anything encouraging like "It's almost over! It'll all be worth it! Awww you won't be pregnant forever!" etc etc. I know. Duh. I just need a safe place to vent. No one really understands, and those who do understand have NO sympathy because they've all had to endure the same stuff. So...whatever. I'm just gonna....go cry now or something.