Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week One

Its been one whole week, and I can't believe it!!!! What an adventure its been. Lets go by category to make it easier.

Feeding: The first few days it was hard to get him to eat. The nurse was telling me he needed to feed every 2-3 hours, but he didn't seem to want to, and he'd only eat for about 5 min. But we eventually got him to nurse longer. The first few nights at home he would eat every 3 hours, I wouldn't even have to wake him up, he would wake me with his fussing. Lately though, he's been falling asleep after 5 min at the breast. So i'm trying different techniques to keep him awake: tickling his feet, rubbing his jaw line, moving his arms and legs, etc. He really only wakes up once at night, if you can consider 6am morning time. My milk came in on the third day PP, but so far i've avoided engorgement and sore nipples. *score!* So, overall feeding has been going really well!! I LOVE my boppy pillow. I would loathe night feedings so much more without it. I haven't really had problems with leaking until today, the one day I didn't wear pads. Go figure. I haven't had much chance to practice nursing in public, so more on that later. Oh, and nursing makes me SUPER THIRSTY!!!! I always have to have water around now.

Diapers: I was really worried the first night, since he didn't have a dirty diaper till the middle of the night. But so far he's had MORE than enough diapers. Michael's had fun learning how to change the diaper fast enough to avoid getting peed on, or having the baby pee on himself. I barely avoided getting poop everywhere today when he let it flow while I was putting a new diaper on. lol. We're still using disposable diapers, since he's just too tiny for the cloth diapers. We actually ended up buying some smaller diapers today, even though I really don't like having to buy diapers when we spent so much money on the cloth ones. But I really didn't expect to have such a tiny baby!!!!!! Even though we have a changing table, its just been way easier to have a changing pad and diapers/wipes next to my bed so i can just change him there during the night. Michael is great, he'll often wake up if John starts fussing during a diaper change and immediately come over and try to soothe him. Its super sweet.

Sleep: He slept really well the first night, even though i didn't. We've kinda developed a routine though. He feeds and goes to sleep around 12, and then doesn't wake up till almost 4. He'll fall back asleep around 5 (usually....hopefully) and then wake up again at 6:30 or 7. Then i'll get a few more hours of sleep. So over all its been pretty nice. He sleeps in a little bed thingy in between Michael and I, so he's right by us both all night.

Hormones: Baby blues are REAL!!! I think they hit the second or third day. I started crying over anything and everything. Thinking about how different our lives were, knowing we could never go back. I never wanted to go back, and I never EVER felt any animosity towards John or blamed him. I still love feeding and holding him and being there for him. But I do miss the way Michael and I's relationship was before baby. I miss being able to cuddle with him at night, and doing other stuff that we used to do together that we can't now because one of us is always with the baby.
But it also made me cry to see Michael falling in love with our son. I would walk in and see him leaning over the baby, stroking his head and talking to him. I love the way he jumps to comfort John when he's crying. I love how much he cares about both of us and i willing to do anything. So even though emotionally this had been super hard on us both, I think it has also made me fall more in love with him. He's such a great daddy and a wonderful husband.
Also on hormones, I get SOO HOT!!! I wake up all sweaty, with wet sheets. Its kinda gross. And my hair get greasy faster. But thankfully my pimples are getting better!!

Since delivery, my hair and nails have started growing faster. Its interesting, but also frustrating as my hair now looks super thick and fluffy in my opinion.

John's cord fell off on the third day, but the pediatrician seemed to think it was fine. I noticed yesterday though that it looked a little red and raw inside his belly button. We're keeping an eye on it and making sure nothing really rubs against it.

Physically, I think I am recovering super fast. Its pretty nice. Tucks Pads are my BEST FRIEND. Love them. And so is that peri-bottle they give you at the hospital. I've been wanting one for my periods every since I started clinicals in L&D. Now i have two!!!

I have lost about 25 lbs since having John on Sunday. I'm not sure how much of that has been actually weight lost. I think most of it was water weight. But I'm within 10 lbs of my "pre-pregnancy weight" which is kinda cool. Now to keep losing!!!!

Well, I think that is all for now. Its been a good first week. Went by to fast, yet seemed to be ages ago that he was born. I feel like he's always been part of our lives. He already looks bigger to me. His face is fatter. And he makes the CUTEST faces. I love my little boy. I love my husband. And I love my family. They've been super helpful and such wonderful support.

I am truly a blessed woman. <3


One Week Old!

1 comment:

  1. AH, he is SO stinking adorable! Congratulations, dear one!
